CHAPTER 1 : "Congratulations !"
In this chapter, we will learn : to express hopes and wishes to others and congratulate others for their fortune and achievement, in order to keep good personal relationship with them.
- Expressions of Congratulations
I’d be the first to congratulate you on….
It’s very good of you to say so
I’d like to congratulate you on….
How nice of you to say so
Please accept my warmest congratulations
Thank you very much for saying so
May I congratulate you on…
I’m glad you think so
I must congratulate you
Oh, it’s nothing special actually
It was great to hear about…
Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
Oh not really
Congratulations on… !
Oh, nothing to it, actually
Oh, thank’s
Chapter 2 : "Let's start our wall magazine !"
In this cahpter, i will learn to use the right words and expressions
- to state rules
- to give suggestion to do and not to do something
- to invite someone to do and not to do something
- to say to agree or disagree with rules, suggestions, and invitations
- to keep good interpersonal relationship
- Expressions of Agreement and Disagreement
of Agreement
of Disagreement
I agree (with you)
I disagree
You’re right
I am not sure (about that)
That’s true
I don’t think so
It’s true
I wouldn’t go as far as that
I know
I don’t know (about that)
I hate to disagree(with you), but..
I don’t mean to disagree (with you), but
I suppose you are right
I don’t want to agrue (with you) (about you), but
I suppose that’s right
I don’t want to start/get into an argument (with you) (about it), but
That may/might be true
I don’t agree
You may/might be true
I can’t agree
You have a point (there)
I am not sure (if) I agree (with you about that)
No doubt about it
I wouldn’t say that
I feel the same way
I wouldn’t go so far as to say that
I’m afraid you are right
I wish, I could agree (with you), but
I hate to admit/say it, but you truw
That’s not always true
- Expressions of Suggestion
a Suggestion
May I suggest…?
It’s sounds like a good suggestion.
You may/might like to…?
I have no objection.
Have you considered/thought of…?
It is a good suggestion.
Would you care to....?
I think you can do it.
Why don’t we/you….?
Perhaps you could.
Why not…?
Why not?
How about….?
You can’t be all things to all people.
What about…?
That’s a good idea.
Let’s/Let me…
You are right.
Shall we….?
Good idea.
I’ll tell you what. We’ll….
You’re doing too much.
I propose that….
I propose this change….
I’d like to suggest that….
Why don’t you…?
I have an idea.
Chapter 3 : "What should i do that for ?"
I will learn :
- to tell or ask others to do and not to do something
- to state the purpose or intention to do it
- So that + S
Example : You must get some rest so that you get well soon .
- In order to +V1 / be
Example : You must take some rest in order to get well soon or recover.
- To + V1
Example : To recover soon you must take a rest.
Chapter 4 : "Be healthy, be happy"
I will learn:
- to choose healthy and safe products
- to avoid harmful effects
- to get the best results
Example :
Example :
Chapter 5 : "This is how you do it"
I will learn to use and make recipes and manuals :
- to get the best results efficiently
- to avoid accidents, damage, unnecessary waste
Example :
Ingredients :
1. 1 plate of White rice
2. 2 Eggs
3. Tea spoon of Salt
4. 2 cloves of Onions
5. 1 cloves of Garlic
6. 1/2 stick of Leeks
7. Chili
8. Pepper
9. Cooking oil
10. Tomato sauce
11. complementary material
- Frying pan
- Stove
- Spoon
- Spatula
- Plate
How to Make Fried Rice:
1. Prepare a frying pan and pour the cooking oil according to your taste
(Persiapkan wajan dan tuangkan minyak makan berdasarkan seleramu)
2. Heat the frying pan by using a medium flame
(Panaskan wajan dengan api sedang)
3. After the cooking oil is hot, put the garlic, onion and chili
(Setelah minyak panas, masukan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cabe)
4. Stir all the materials until ripe and fragrant
(Aduk semua bahan bahan sampai matang dan harum)
5. Put the supplementary materials according to your taste
(Masukkan bahan bahan pokok sesuai selera anda)
6. Use Spatula to Stir until evenly cooked
(Gunakan spatula untuk mengaduk hingga merata)
7. Put eggs and scramble until cooked
(Masukkan telur dan aduk hingga termasak)
8. Put white rice and stir until mixed with all ingredients
(Maukkan nasi putih dan aduk hingga tercampur dengan semua bahan bahan)
9. Add tomato sauce, pepper, and salt until all materials are blended
(Tambahkan saus tomat, lada, dan garam sampai semua bahan bahan tercampur aduk)
10. After everything on the frying pan was fragrant, serve into the plate.
(Setelah semuan yang ada pada wajan matang, tiriskan pada piring)
11. you could decorate with the sliced tomatoes and other complementary materials as you like to make your fried rice looks interesting.
(Anda bisa mendekorasi dengan potongan tomat dan bahan tambahan lainnya sesuai dengan yang kalian suka untuk membuat nasi goreng anda terlihat menarik)
12. Your interesting fried rice is ready to eat
(Nasi goreng anda yang menarik siap untuk dimakan).
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